Sustainable Packaging Coalition

A Day at the MRF

The SPC Spring Meeting in Toronto just wrapped up, and one of the highlights of the meeting was a tour of the Peel Integrated Waste Management Facility. The facility is the largest of its kind in Canada and houses a single stream Material Recovery Facility (MRF), a waste transfer station, in addition to an organics composting plant. Scott Ballantine, Packaging Project Manager for long-term SPC member company Microsoft, shot some great footage from the tour that captured the inner workings of the facility. Enjoy!


0 replies on “A Day at the MRF”

Thanks – This was a great experience and I wanted to share what we saw that day. It’s a bit rough and raw but I hope it inspires you to think about packaging and recycling and what goes on behind the scenes to get materials recovered. Working together with the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, membership and collaborating with other industry experts we are learning, developing better packaging solutions, sharing ideas on Sustainability and driving eco improvements worldwide. Thanks again for arranging the tour … it was impressive and informative … Keep on the Sustainability Journey … It’s Important … Scott ;>

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