
My Top Sustainability Wishes for 2013

Happy New Year, In-the-Loop readers! In lieu of a resolution, I would like to start 2013 by sharing some of my top sustainability wishes for 2013:
Designing for Success
I look forward to seeing continued successes in targeting sustainability during the design phase. GreenBlue continues to work to make this process clear and easy so companies can understand the implications of their design decisions and materials they work with. At GreenBlue, 2013 will see the development of existing and creation of new resources across packaging, sustainable materials, and forest products.
Global Collaboration
Success in global collaboration and international policy was largely absent in 2012. As reported in GreenBiz, failures at Rio+20 and the Doha Climate Change conference were themes in their greatest frustrations of 2012 interviews. It’s a lofty wish for national and international policy, but one that I hope for every year.
Tackling the Big Scary “E”
No doubt Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a hot button in the packaging and recovery communities. The issues are complex, the space is crowded, and the opinions vary. Not to mention the complexities added by existing and incongruent EPR programs, bottle bills, landfill bans, and other legislation. I hope that all parties can come together, outside of industry silos and have frank conversations that get to the heart of the problem: effective and efficient product and packaging recovery.
More Corporate Champions
Nothing is more exciting than contagious success.

0 replies on “My Top Sustainability Wishes for 2013”

Danielle, I enjoyed your post. In the ‘Tackling the Big Scary ‘E’ portion, you mention that the heart of the problem is effective and efficient product and packaging recovery. Many companies are going the route of returnable/reusable totes and pallets. There is another product, in the returnable/reusable realm, that replaces plastic stretch film. Pallet Wrapz are a stronger, reusable alternative to plastic film, which also can used be to secure the products and packaging as the are being returned, resulting in twice the savings. Good for the company..good for the environment.

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