
Making a Point for the Bees

There are many ways to get a point across. Many of us prefer a subtle approach that might include storytelling or dropping hints. Others like a more “in your face” approach, banging us over the head with a message in a way even the most disinterested can’t ignore. Then there is the approach of the Whole Foods market in Providence, Rhode Island. The produce department took one of the boldest approaches I’ve ever seen to illustrate the critical role bees or pollinators play in our natural, human, and business ecosystems. They emptied more than half of their produce bins, reducing product availability/choice by 52% to help consumers recognize what our produce choices without bees might look like if we don’t begin to reverse the decline in the world’s bee population. It’s a shame more businesses aren’t willing to put some profits on the line like that to drive home important sustainability messages related to their business and the risks of operating without a sustainability strategy.

More than 85% of the plant species on earth require bees and other pollinators to exist, and these plants include some of the most nutritious parts of our diet.

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