
Rediscovering the Value of Forest Certification: Interview with McDonald's

In advance of the GreenBlue Innovation Summit on Forest Certification on June 12, GreenBlue interviewed a few of the event sponsors to hear their perspectives on why a Summit was needed. While informal, the interviews are intended to provide insights from different supply chain positions on expected outcomes from the event, as well as how this kind of event can help advance the forest products industry.
For our second interview in the series, we sat down with Townsend Bailey, Strategic Sourcing Manager of the Worldwide Supply Chain at McDonald’s Corporation.

Townsend Bailey headshot
Townsend Bailey

Green Blue: Can you tell us a little about McDonald’s and how you fit into the forest products industry? Where do you fall in the value chain?
Townsend Bailey: With over 34,000 locations around the world, our restaurants use a lot of fiber-based packaging to serve our food. We want to make sure that all of it comes from responsible sources and well managed forests. Fiber sourcing is a top sustainability priority for McDonald’s, and we recently announced our target for 100% of our fiber-based packaging to be from recycled or certified sources by 2020.
McDonald’s is a sponsor of the GreenBlue Innovation Summit on Forest Certification, thank you for helping us make this event a reality. The summit will bring together stakeholders from across the forest products value chain to define the value of forest certification. Why is this important to McDonald’s, and why do you think all of the other supply chain participants should attend?
For McDonald’s, sustainability is about making sure that we are prepared to continue serving our customers well into the future. It’s about growing our business by making a positive impact on society. Specifically, certification is important to McDonald’s because people care where their food comes from and how it is sourced.
But the challenges of sustainability are bigger than any one company or sector of the value chain. Answering these challenges will require innovative thinking and collaboration, and McDonald’s wants to be part of the solution.
As an individual, you have been an active participant in the working group on this topic. What are you hoping the takeaway is from this event? What can other Supply Chain Sustainability Managers expect? What does success look like for the GreenBlue Innovation Summit on Forest Certification?
I expect good discussions with partners across the value chain, and would like to see ideas generated around ways technology could be better leveraged to ease the administrative burden and costs of certification without sacrificing the credibility and impact of the systems. I also hope the event will foster more collaboration between the leading certification systems in North America.
For people that have not been involved in the project up to this point, but will be attending the event or are interested in the work being done, is there anything that you would like to tell them about why forest certification is such a pressing topic in the forest products industry?
Certification systems provide a strong framework for guiding and measuring responsible forest management practices. For brand owners like McDonald’s, who sit far from the forest where their products originate, certification is an important way to verify that their products are produced in ways that are consistent with their values.
Some people will be traveling a long ways to come to this event, do you have any favorite books, apps, or articles you’re reading that you would recommend?
I am about halfway through Christine Bader’s new book, The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil. So far it’s been a great read. It introduces the human side of corporations while also capturing the real challenges of change and progress. I look forward to finishing it on the flight to Charlotte.
Townsend, thank you and McDonald’s again for helping us put on the upcoming summit. We are looking forward to strong participation and lively discussions.
To be a part of this important discussion, find us on Twitter @greenblueorg.


Rediscovering the Value of Forest Certification: Interview with Unisource Worldwide

In advance of the GreenBlue Innovation Summit on Forest Certification on June 12, GreenBlue interviewed a few of the event sponsors to hear their perspectives on why a Summit was needed. While informal, the interviews are intended to provide insights from different supply chain positions on expected outcomes from the event, as well as how this kind of event can help advance the forest products industry.

For the first interview in our series, we sat down with Andrew Gustyn, Director of Sustainability – North America of Unisource Worldwide.

Andrew Gustyn
Andrew Gustyn

Green Blue: Can you tell us a bit about Unisource and how you fit into the forest products industry? Where do you fall in the value chain?
Andrew Gustyn: Unisource is in the business of selling paper, packaging and facility solutions (jan-san products). We represent a large cross section of the paper, packaging and towel and tissue manufacturers from both North America and around the globe. Tree fibers are an input into all of those products.  This means we are a key link in the chain that allows those items to move from the manufacturers to commercial printers, businesses and corporate end users.
Unisource is a sponsor of the GreenBlue Innovation Summit on Forest Certification, thank you for helping us make this event a reality. The summit will bring together stakeholders from across the forest products supply chain to define the value of forest certification to better drive adoption and acceptance of forest certification. Why is this important to Unisource, and why do you think all of the other supply chain participants should attend?
Unisource made an early investment in infrastructure to provide transparency to our customers through the supply chain, via our Chain of Custody certifications. We feel that we have reached a point where an open and frank discussion is necessary with stakeholders both up and down the supply chain in order to understand the challenges and benefits of forestry certification. Given that a very small percentage of the world’s harvested forests fall under any recognized certification scheme, there is a great opportunity for forestry certification growth. I think we have reached a point where many of the stakeholders seem to be having issues in getting a clear picture of the cost/benefit of these programs. As an industry, if we feel that forestry certification is going to grow we need to address some of these issues in an open dialogue.
As an individual, you have been an active participant in the working group on this topic. What are you hoping the takeaway is from this event? What can other Sustainability Directors expect? What does success look like for the GreenBlue Innovation Summit on Forest Certification?
Our hope is that this is just a first step for continued dialogue with all stakeholders. We would like to get a better understanding of our customers’, suppliers’ and certification bodies’ stories. Rather than it being an exercise in negotiation, we would like to see this become an opportunity for collaboration.
For people that have not been involved in the project up to this point, but will be attending the event or are interested in the work being done, is there anything that you would like to tell them about why forest certification is such a pressing topic in the forest products industry?
I made mention of this before, but with just a very small percentage of the world’s forests falling under any of the recognized certification schemes, there is an opportunity for significant growth. Although paper use and production may have declined in North America and Europe, that is not the case in the developing world. As some of these economies grow to maturity, the world’s forests will continue to be put under pressure. Recycling is only part of the solution; responsible forestry can help.
Some people will be traveling a long way to come to this event, do you have any favorite books, apps, or articles you’re reading that you would recommend?
Wow, now that’s a really difficult question. There are so many good resources out there. I know that this may sound a bit like I am sitting on the fence, but what I would suggest to people is to broaden the scope of where you get your information. Read, listen and research as many different sources as possible. The ENGO’s, the industry groups, the independent third party groups like GreenBlue, the merchants, the mills, the foresters, the end users, the certification bodies all have a story to tell. Each has a perspective, if this is important, take the time to learn those perspectives and then formulate an opinion.
Andrew, I want to thank you and Unisource again for helping us put on the upcoming summit. We are looking forward to strong participation and lively discussions, is there anything else that you would like to mention about the summit or project?
We are really looking forward to participating in this event and we are hoping that this is just the beginning of a much longer journey. Stay tuned.
Thanks, and we are looking forward to seeing you in Charlotte.