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Target & How2Recycle

Target’s Kim Carswell explains why the retail giant decided to join the How2Recycle program

Kim Carswell, Senior Manager of Packaging for Target

At Target, our guests are the center of everything we do.  We have a strong connection to our guests, and we continue to seek ways to be relevant to them.  Adding the How2Recycle label to our owned brand packaging is a way to heighten this relevancy.
Why did you decide to use the label?
Two reasons: our guests and our company strategies.
We know that how our guests manage their packaging when they are done with it is a key way for them to live sustainably. Adding the H2R label to our packaging will help them dispose of it the right way.  Using the label also increases the transparency between Target and our guests, which is important to us.
The label aligns with our three sustainability strategies:

  1.  Provide our guests with ways to live more sustainably
  2.  Offer a great assortment of sustainable products
  3.  Reduce waste

How did you go about it?
We were very intent to attach this work to other brand redesigns already in the works.. We are looking at a long term schedule that will allow the work to grow organically. We are keen not to create packaging waste when we change our packaging designs. We plan to flow through the changes so that old inventories can be depleted. Another key goal is to embed the addition of the label into current processes as much as we can to set ourselves up for a robust and sustainable approach.
What Target products currently use the label?

We have the How2Recycle label on our food brands including Market Pantry, Archer Farms, and Simply Balanced.  It is also on a wide array of our up&up products and select Spritz party supplies items.
And finally…
Here are 10 things we learned along the way and want to share with you. Success for Target, the Sustainable Packaging Coalition and all the other How2Recycle label users is for more and more companies to sign on, so we are delighted to share what we learned.

  1.  Tie H2R to company strategies
  2.  Take internal partners and engage them
  3.  Find and tap into internal leaders
  4.  Share the story
  5.  Attach this work to planned brand designs
  6.  Go to where people are
  7.  Keep a close connection with the SPC
  8.  Be flexible
  9.  Keep sharing the story
  10.  Recognize and celebrate the people and work


GreenBlue Sustainable Packaging Coalition Uncategorized

In the Loop – Sustainable Brands '15

In the loop SB15

Executive Director Nina Goodrich (front right) Digging in on Circular Economy at SB15sd. Nina says “It’s not well understood in US.” (Photo courtesy of ThinkStep)

This week, GreenBlue’s Executive Director Nina Goodrich headed across the U.S. to moderate at Sustainable Brands 2015. Sustainable Brands is one of the largest global conferences that answer the question: How can you successfully innovate your brand for sustainability?
Nina moderated the “How to Structure Effective Recycling and Reuse Initiatives: Case Studies of Innovative Partnerships” session within the Circular and Sharing Economies track. Nina regularly speaks about the Circular Economy at conferences and loves to educate industry and consumers about how the Circular Economy can boost sustainability in their lives.
Speakers in the session included:

Carrie Majeske Carrie Majeske Ford Motor Company

John Gardner John Gardner Novelis

Meagan Smith Meagan Smith PepsiCo

Geof Rochester Geof Rochester The Nature Conservancy

SBLiz Maw Liz Maw Net Impact

Darren Beck Darren Beck Sprint

Michael Meyer Michael Meyer Goodwill Industries …

Like what you hear? Email Nina at to discuss the Circular Economy further or tweet @GreenBlueOrg to tell us what you think!