
Welcome Introduction: Evan Bruner

This spring, Evan Bruner joins the GreenBlue team as a Project Associate focused on the Forest Products Working Group and the Environmental Paper Assessment Tool (EPAT).  Learn more about Evan in the interview below.

Evan Bruner circleTell us about your background:

I grew up in Anacortes, Washington on the San Juan Islands in the Pacific Northwest. Being born in such a beautiful area, I was drawn to the outdoors from the days of my early childhood. From hiking in the Cascades to swimming in the Pacific, to this day I can say with conviction I was raised in one of the most beautiful places in our country.
Eager to gain knowledge and experience the world, after obtaining my BA from The Evergreen State College in environmental studies, I took advantage of my mother’s French citizenship and moved to the Netherlands. Spending the past three years abroad, I have had the amazing opportunity to grow professionally and academically. Having recently relocated back to the US to be closer to family and nature, I am eager to start the next chapter of life with my new position at GreenBlue!

What inspired you to work in the sustainability field?

As a citizen of the United States and environmental advocate by nature, I’ve grown up standing by as our nation consumes the world’s resources at an astronomical rate with little or no regard for current or future generations. At the same time, we’re the richest nation in the world and we have some of the greatest opportunities of anyone on the planet. Knowing these facts, it is not only impossible, but arguably irresponsible if we do not act. I simply can’t stand by as we slowly self-destruct, rather I aim to make a difference and foster sustainability.

What do you hope to achieve at GreenBlue?

Impact! I want to make an impact by bringing together stakeholders from all sectors to collaborate for sustainable innovation. People want to act, they often just don’t know how or need the motivation, I want to provide the how and be the motivation.

What is the one thing you would like people to know that you do in your personal life to further sustainability?

Currently, I am fascinated by the sustainable seafood space. I’m trying to learn more about this space so that not only I can eat sustainable seafood, but I can help others as well!

Favorite Outdoor Activity


Favorite Tree


Happiness is….

Sleeping under the stars on a warm summer night!

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