
Welcome Introduction: Charlotte Dreizen

11025643_10204729092281340_4179298475107216367_n-2Charlotte Dreizen joins the GreenBlue team as an intern focused on our growing composting initiatives. Charlotte comes to GreenBlue from George Washington University. Learn more about Charlotte in the interview below.

Tell us about your background:

Despite coming from a family of fierce New Yorkers, I’ve migrated progressively further South. Initially moving to Washington, DC to study International Environmental and Development Studies at George Washington University, I have also been lucky enough to work with various sustainability initiatives at higher-ed institutions and the US Green Building Council. Now, in Charlottesville, Virginia, I’m excited to rejoin the rowing world after a three-year hiatus and fulfill my mother’s dream for me to become a beekeeper by apprenticing an Italian master.

How did you become involved in sustainability?

After growing up in the ultra-walkable and sustainable Greenwich Village, I didn’t find life greener on the other side when I moved to the suburbs as a teenager. I knew immediately that a car-centric life where community gardens and sidewalks were replaced by fields of asphalt was not for me. Ever since, I have looked for ways to make myself and my communities happier, healthier, and more regenerative.

Happiness is….

Anything vertical and outdoors! Rock, ice, and alpine climbing are great mental and physical challenges and are my favorite ways to immerse myself in nature.

What are you looking forward to in your internship?

I’m absolutely thrilled to contribute to the development of the Sustainable Composting Collaborative, as well as research on the value of compostable packaging in Charlotte, NC. I’m looking forward to assisting in the creation of these two initiatives as both have huge potential to catalyze composting on a local, regional, and national scale. It will be exciting to see SPC’s very successful model of making packaging more sustainable broadly applied to compostable packaging more narrowly. In much the same way, value-oriented research on compostable packaging will provide localities with much needed quantitative information on the benefits of starting or expanding composting programs. It will be a privilege to help these programs get off the ground!

One composting myth that you would like to dispel:

That it’s hard! Despite the perception that composting may be confusing or complicated, very simple guidelines are all that is needed to divert food waste and packaging from landfills and give a new purpose to what would otherwise be “trash”. GreenBlue and organizations like it are making it easier than ever for consumers to have accessible composting drop-offs or to compost themselves, as well!

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