Eliminate Toxicity

What does TSCA Reform Mean for Green Chemistry?

On June 7, the Senate passed the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act with broad bipartisan support. The House of Representatives passed the bill on May 24, and the White House has indicated that President Obama will sign the bill into law. The bill overhauls the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) after more than a decade of debate and numerous failed attempts at reform, with support from major players in the chemical industry. It significantly expands the EPA’s authority to regulate potentially hazardous chemicals.  Although the new legislation does not contain specific provisions to promote green chemistry, increased scrutiny of new and existing chemical products may provide an opening in the marketplace for greener alternatives.

What is changing?

Existing regulation under TSCA leaves major gaps in the regulation of chemical hazards.  Under the current legal framework, it is very difficult for the EPA to impose restrictions on the use of existing chemicals. Chemicals already in use at the time TSCA was enacted were grandfathered in, and were assumed to be safe without additional review by the EPA. Very few of these existing chemicals have been subject to review or restriction since the enactment of TSCA.
An example of the difficulty in regulating existing chemicals under TSCA is the 1991 attempt to ban all uses of asbestos, whose human health hazards have been well established. The ban was overturned when a court found that the EPA failed to demonstrate that the ban was the “least burdensome alternative” to regulating asbestos, a requirement under TSCA.  Since then, the EPA has not banned a chemical under TSCA.  
The new legislation requires the EPA to prioritize existing chemicals for further review.  Under the new bill, the EPA will be able to restrict a chemical based only on human health and environmental risks.  Although economic considerations must be considered, the EPA will no longer be required to select the least burdensome alternative.
Under the existing regulatory framework, new chemicals are required to be registered with the EPA, but they are assumed to be safe unless the EPA demonstrates otherwise.  The EPA cannot require additional testing of new chemicals unless there is a demonstrated risk – which may be difficult to demonstrate before additional testing is completed. This limitation, along with limited time for review of new products, resulted in very few new chemicals being subjected to additional review under TSCA.  


Concerns and Controversy

Because of inadequate chemical safety regulations at the federal level, several states have taken action to implement their own chemical regulations.  Although the chemical industry previously opposed TSCA reform, the current reform bill had the support of industry stakeholders hoping to avoid a patchwork of varying state regulations. The current legislation contains provisions for federal preemption of state regulations under certain circumstances. In particular, states may not enact new laws restricting the use of a chemical within three and a half years after the EPA publishes the scope of an assessment of that chemical without a waiver from EPA. Although this provision would likely reduce the number  of states promulgating their own regulations, some environmental and consumer safety groups view it as a concession to industry.  Nevertheless, if the EPA does not act in the three-and-a-half-year window, states may take action to restrict the use of the chemical, and the preemption does not apply to regulation of chemicals under other environmental laws (e.g., air, water, or waste regulations) or to monitoring or reporting requirements.
Green chemistry groups, including the Green Chemistry and Commerce Council (GC3) worked to insert language supporting development of a national sustainable chemistry strategy into the original Senate bill that was passed in December 2015.  That section, sponsored by Senator Chris Coons, established an interagency coordinating committee that would develop a national research, funding, education, and commercialization blueprint for sustainable chemistry, including identifying incentives, improved coordination opportunities, and development of metrics to track progress. However, a corresponding provision was not present in the House version of the bill, and was not included in the conference bill that is expected to be enacted. Despite strong support in the Senate, the House Science Committee, which drafted the original Green Chemistry Research and Development Act of 2004 that formed the basis of the Coon’s section, currently shows little interest in chemistry innovation.


Opportunities for Green Chemistry

Although the current TSCA reform bill does not include specific provisions to promote a national strategy on green chemistry, it may help create opportunities in the marketplace for greener products. One of the challenges in expanding and mainstreaming green chemistry is the difficulty for new green products to break into commoditized markets, due to the incumbency and entrenched supply chains associated with existing technologies. Increasing scrutiny of existing chemicals under the new legislation, including potential restrictions or bans on existing chemicals, may create openings in the marketplace for new, greener products. Some manufacturers have experienced similar opportunities in the past when concerns about health risks have arisen in connection with a particular chemical. For example, consumer concerns about bisphenol A (BPA) led to significant increases in sales of BPA-free plastics.  Nevertheless, it will be important to ensure that adequate safety information is available for any new products introduced to replace existing chemistries —something that the new TSCA reform legislation may help to achieve.


Building trust as a strategy for sustainable forest management

This past March a group of global brands including HAVI Global, McDonald’s, Macmillan Publishing, Mars, Staples, and Time Inc., met with a group of family forest owners to discuss their respective values and challenges relative to sustainable forest management and opportunities to work together to meet their goals.
Over the course of the two-day meeting, hosted by GreenBlue and the American Forest Foundation in Chattanooga, TN, both sides opened up about some of the most important questions around the state of forest sustainability in the US. For brand owners, one of the most important questions was how to ensure they are meeting their goals around sourcing sustainable wood fiber for their products. For family forest owners, one of the most important questions was how to connect with a marketplace that does not always get the story right about family forest owners in the US.
Forest certification is one way brand owners have been able to meet their goals and showcase that they are sourcing sustainable forest products. The problem is that not enough forests are certified. In the US, family forest owners are the largest forest ownership group and provide 47 percent of all timber removed from forests each year. Yet the vast majority of family forests are not certified. Most landowners are not certified because the process is generally not a good match for their stewardship, is time intensive and, often, does not result in economic benefits to outweigh the costs. For brand owners that source from family forest owners, finding ways to gain assurance of sustainable forest management is a challenge when forest certification is not an option.
Family forest owners are a diverse group with a range of motivations for owning forestland, yet many share similar interests: planning for future generations, creating and maintaining wildlife habitat, managing for recreation, and viable markets for forest products. These areas of focus also tend to be areas of concern.
Interestingly, underlying both brand owners and family forest owners’ questions and concerns was that of trust.
To many of the family forest owners somewhere along the way the marketplace has been misled about how family forest owners manage and value their land. “Save a tree, don’t use paper” was an oft-cited example of how the public has been misled that forestry is a “bad thing”.
In the words of one family woodland owner in attendance, “We have been doing good management for years, because it’s in our best interest and we want to leave the land better than we found it”. Yet, these stories of stewardship, and many more, are not communicated to the public.
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To many successful brand owners, trust is about connecting with the customer. Sourcing wood fiber for their paper and packaging from sustainably managed forests in one important way the brand owners build trust with their customers. Brand owners employ a number of mechanisms and strategies to help build this trust with their customers including supply chain transparency tools and forest certification.
For the brands, trust is about getting the right information they can share with their customers that they are doing the right thing. For woodland owners, it is about who they can trust to help them tell their story and where they can go to get the information they need. The solution to meeting both these objectives is still a topic of discussion, but what was uncovered in Chattanooga, was a key piece to help is get there: open and transparent dialogue between two groups that have enormous influence on sustainable forestry – and have not had many opportunities to work together – built on a foundation of trust.
“I finally feel like I have a seat at the table,” stated one landowner from Georgia. “I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this event and to collaborate on how we can work together going forward.”