Eliminate Toxicity

Stepan Company Offers CleanGredients-approved Starter Formulations

Stepan Company, a long-term supplier who showcases its ingredients on CleanGredients, strives to offer safer solutions to its customers. One example of Stepan’s commitment to offering the market innovative and safer ingredients is its development of seven “starter formulations” that have undergone internal stability and performance testing, and also meet the U.S. EPA Safer Choice certification requirements.
Stepan developed these products to help those who are either unfamiliar with the U.S. EPA Safer Choice Program or lacked the time, money, or resources to develop and certify their own formulations. These starter formulations allow Stepan to share learnings and insights gained from years of experience working with its third-party profiler and the U.S. EPA in formulating greener products.
Formulators who are looking for flexibility can access Stepan’s full range of ingredients listed in CleanGredients and select the ingredients custom to their formula. However, those who may be less familiar with the U.S. EPA Safer Choice Program’s product review and approval process can significantly simplify matters by using one of Stepan’s seven approved, finished formulations. They are available for a variety of household and institutional cleaning applications, as identified below.
Because the starter formulations have already been tested and reviewed in compliance with U.S. EPA Safer Choice standards, time to market for a Safer Choice-certified product is dramatically reduced for formulators and may offer them an opportunity to extend a product line with reduced overhead cost. The formulations take the guesswork associated with ingredients or residuals of concern out of the equation. And because Stepan has already incurred the costs associated with individual ingredient review, use of the starter formulations takes these costs out for the product formulator as well.
Stepan has a long history of involvement with the U.S. EPA Safer Choice Program and CleanGredients:

  • The company was a key stakeholder in the development of the first ingredient screen for surfactants.
  • In 2006, Stepan Company listed its first five ingredients in CleanGredients. Since that time, Stepan has listed a total of 30 surfactants in continued support of all who seek Safer Choice certification.
  • The company recently re-certified its seven starter formulations for another three years.

When asked her advice for companies looking to formulate greener products complying with the Safer Choice standard, Anne Gariepy, Stepan’s North America Technical Service and Sales Development Manager, said, “If you have questions, engage your third-party profiler and the U.S. EPA prior to formulation development. They are very open, approachable and willing to offer advisement. It will benefit all parties. Second, engage multiple stakeholders within your own organization in continued effort to educate and achieve alignment on the activities that have the greatest impact on an organization’s overarching sustainability goals.”
To learn more about Stepan’s U.S. EPA Safer Choice-approved starter formulations, visit

Eliminate Toxicity GreenBlue

Welcome Introduction: Elizabeth Ritch

Elizabeth Ritch circleThis spring, Elizabeth Ritch  joins the GreenBlue team as a project associate focused on the CleanGredients program. Elizabeth comes to GreenBlue from Ramboll Environ. Learn more about Elizabeth in the interview below.

Tell us about your background.

Growing up in southern California, I was surrounded by the contrast between beautiful natural areas and suburbia, which inspired my interest in environmental issues.  I first moved to Charlottesville for college, where I studied the intersections between sustainability, science, and society, and graduated from the University of Virginia in 2010 with a BA in Environmental Thought and Practice and Physics.

After graduating, I worked for five years as an environmental consultant with a primary focus on evaluating environmental issues in the context of mergers and acquisitions.  This gave me a great opportunity to learn about how industrial stakeholders think about environmental risks, compliance, and sustainability.  I am excited to be back in Charlottesville to put that experience to use in the CleanGredients program!

What inspired you to work in the sustainability field?

As modern Americans, we are some of the most privileged people in the history of the planet.  I believe we have an obligation to use our position to ensure that future generations can live as well as or better than we do today, without irreparably damaging the world that sustains us.

What is the one thing you would like people to know that you do in your personal life to further sustainability?

I chose to live near the GreenBlue office in downtown Charlottesville, so I am able to walk to work and leave my car in the garage.

Favorite outdoor activity

Hiking, canoeing, or kayaking!

Happiness is….

Being outside on a beautiful summer day!

Eliminate Toxicity Sustainability Tools

Safer Choice and CleanGredients – 10 years of greener chemistry

CleanGredients 10 years
This year marks the tenth year that CleanGredients has been in operation, supporting the adoption and use of EPA’s Safer Choice Standard and product labeling program. It seems appropriate to reflect on the past and to take some stock in how far we’ve come.

When EPA first launched its partnership program in 1997, and then later the Safer Product Labeling Program, there were only a few resources available to provide trusted, third party verified information to institutional purchasers, facilities managers, and consumers about the safety of chemicals used in cleaning products. In the 1990s and early 2000s, organizations with a mission to promote formulated products with greener chemistries were focused on drafting criteria and methodologies for evaluating chemicals so that it was possible to define exactly what a “greener” chemical is. The norm at the time was for manufacturers to make claims that their products were “environmentally friendly,” “safe,” or “non-toxic” or “free of” a particular chemical, but there was little or no information to substantiate these claims. There was also no consensus among manufacturers, government, NGOs, or academia about what exactly constituted safer or greener chemicals, much less products worthy of those labels.

EPA’s Design for Environment program made a significant advancement in defining the term  “safer” chemicals when they published their Master Criteria, a methodology for evaluating the inherent hazard characteristics of chemicals and what constitutes the minimum or floor criteria for meeting Safer Choice product labeling requirements. On top of this baseline screen, EPA developed criteria to help formulators and their suppliers identify chemicals with the lowest hazard within specific functional classes.

CleanGredients Logo CMYK (1)
The original CleanGredients logo

By 2004 it became clear that formulators seeking EPA’s label would benefit from having greater access to information about ingredient level products that would help them meet labeling requirements. GreenBlue responded to this need in the market by working with the EPA to create CleanGredients, a database of supplier’s products that have been “pre-approved” by third party experts to meet Safer Choice criteria. The goal was to guarantee a successful outcome for formulators while making it easier, faster, and cheaper to get their products labeled.

The redesigned label, created in 2014

Since 2006, EPA’s program has grown significantly, representing more than 2,000 products in six major product categories and created the Safer Chemical Ingredient List (SCIL) to provide specific guidance about the chemicals that are eligible for use in Safer Choice products. CleanGredients has also grown during that time from representing four functional classes of products to now offering suppliers the opportunity to market their products in 16 functional classes. Since 2006, the number of suppliers listing Safer Choice approved products has grown significantly as has the number of formulators using the database to shop for these preferable ingredients.

The interest and demand for safer formulated products is only increasing as evidenced by leading retailers like Walmart, Target, Staples, and Wegmans who are implementing their own chemicals policies, seeking to offer more Safer Choice labeled products to their customers.

The future of green chemistry and the Safer Choice label as an exemplary application of the principles of green chemistry look very promising and CleanGredients will be there to support the growth and success of both.