GreenBlue Sustainable Packaging Coalition

Sustainable Packaging Coalition says goodbye to 3 Executive Committee Members

Victor Bell, Steve Mahler, and Brad Rogers are finishing their three-year term on the SPC Executive Committee

Every fall, the SPC holds elections for the distinguished Executive Committee. The nine elected committee members join one GreenBlue representative and serve as advisors to GreenBlue’s Sustainable Packaging Coalition for three year terms. In their advisory capacity, the Executive Committee provides strategic and fiscal guidances on meetings, events, projects, and all other aspects of the Coalition. The three Executive Committee members who are ending their term this year are Brad Rodgers, Victor Bell, and Steve Mahler. All three have shown dedication to advancing sustainable packaging and have contributed countless hours and an incredible amount of their expertise to the Sustainable Packaging Coalition. Before we welcome three new Executive Committee members, we want to give thanks to Victor, Steve, and Brad for their dedication to the SPC over their term.

Victor Bell

Environmental Packaging International

Victor has been a supportive member of the SPC since the very beginning of the Coalition, and has brought his deep institutional knowledge of the SPC to EC discussions. Over the past three years he has played a valuable role in SPC events by shaping conference agendas and moderating panels, and continues to support the adoption and use of the SPC’s COMPASS life cycle assessment tool. His support and passion for the SPC are undeniable, and he’s been an outgoing ambassador for the SPC over the years and has been responsible for recruiting a number of great new members.

Steve Mahler

Caraustar Industries Inc.

Design Manager
During his time on the Executive Committee, Steve has been a strong voice representing packaging converters in the membership. He spearheaded the Consumer Education and Outreach Industry Leadership Committee’s work on a fun and innovative student video challenge on orange juice packaging. However, most of us will remember him as the creator and champion of the “Trashies” packaging awards. Steve’s goal was to bring the packaging community together for a fun event to recognize that exceptional people, partnerships, public awareness work, and processes are necessary to achieve sustainable packaging. We think he succeeded and can’t wait to see him emcee the next Trashies at SustPack 2016 in Chicago!

Brad Rodgers


Director of Sustainable Packaging, Advanced Materials Research
As an EC member, Brad has been an outgoing and generous resource for the members, willingly sharing his knowledge and time. Brad served on the organizing committee for SustPack 2015 and has generously supported the SPC’s work by sponsoring Coalition events. His support of the Essentials of Sustainable Packaging course, the Biopolymers Working Group, and the Multi-Laminate Flexible Recovery Industry Leadership Committee has been instrumental to the ongoing success of the initiatives. As he rolls off the Executive Committee, Brad will continue to serve in a leadership role on the SPC Brand Council, recently established to discuss how brand owners can lead the broader sustainable packaging agenda.